Monday, April 5, 2010

Consider The Source

I have a good heart and a good life.
I feel a joy that I can't even explain
when I think about the life I have actively
participated in creating.

For the people who know nothing about my
life and base their opinions on hearsay and
flimsy details, come to me. Talk to me. And,
consider the source of your information.
Everything comes through someone's filter.

I am a strong, intelligent, resilient, loving,
optimistic, joyous person with more to give
then you'll ever know. Do not underestimate me.

My life is mine. And it's better than I
ever imagined. I have forged friendships
that reach out like a lighthouse in the
darkest night.

So get off my ass. Fix your own life before
you try to tell me what you
think is wrong with mine.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

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