Friday, January 1, 2010

Easier said than done, on resolutions

I'm not a person that typically makes a resolution; I used to and found that eh, I never keep them. Maybe I also found out that when I want to do something, no matter the time of year, I will do it. Simple enough.

With that said, it got me thinking about resolutions and why people feel the need to make them? Why are they so grandiose? What are some simple resolutions that don't require anything but the sheer desire to accomplish something - simple?

Why not start with thinking about the life you really want to create for yourself? Lightbulb! Most people, including myself, don't take the time to ask ourselves this important question. Humans tend to focus on what we currently have on our plate rather than what we would like to have on our plate. It's easier I suppose. Easier to focus on what you have lost, what pain you've endured, even trauma. But by focusing on what has come to pass, you end up spending your energy in the past.

Easier said than done to really focus on what kind of life do you really want to create?

So I think about this and I ponder it and I think on it some more. The thinker.

What I envision is powerful; For me it would be feeling alive, vibrant, peaceful, inspired, motivated and excited about my life; I envision living life to the fullest, being creative, energetic and following through with all my inspired ideas. That might mean travelling to places I keep saying I want to go there! to; a greater state of health and wellness, inside and out; being with a mate who is truly open hearted and loving and whom I am able to have a fully functional, honest and fulfilling relationship with. So many more!!

I hope all the resolutions that many of my fellow friends have made truly happen for them. I know this will give them no greater joy. I hope for them that their future is positive as a result and they get to live a life they love. I say to them, do whatever it is you want to do - for yourself.

And I hope that for me, too.

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