Friday, March 19, 2010

The "About Me" section

Copied from the About Me section of Facebook:

Favorite Quotations:
Well done is better than well said - Benjamin Franklin

About Me:
I like to keep people guessing; I can be quite contradictory at times but never overstepping my boundaries/morals. I have sick intuition; I should have been a shrink. Preconceived notions are just that. I'm way too analytical.

I love wine (think fish bowl size glasses), hair, make up, enlightening books for the soul, God, warm weather, stilettos, CONTACT sports, and swanky lounges - not in that particular order...I laugh at the theory of evolution, piqued by fashion and in love with love. Will never settle...not this chick.

I wear my heart on my sleeve and I am never what people initially think.

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