Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Coulda. Shoulda. Woulda.

I've been ignoring my blog; that is ignoring it by not having posted much. But my mind has become that same blender I liken my life to and so in an effort to clear the clutter, here goes a few randoms.

I could write about the cold: but it's winter people, and it's supposed to be cold. (A local news channel used the word "cold" 16 times in a 30 minute broadcast. Nooo, they don't drive public hysteria. That's crazy talk!)

I could write about health care reform. But I don't have that kind of energy.

I could write about "friends" that I have cut out of my life because they were never really friends to begin with. But why? They don't care, and they don't see anything wrong with the way they are.

I could write about my happiness, my at peace at all times feeling: but I don't have the right words just yet.

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