Monday, January 4, 2010

Garbage Day

Have you ever had a day, a moment where all of your emotions meet at an intersection? They look around. Sadness tips his hat to Joy. Fear wonders why Gratitude is looking at him with that big smile on her face. Anger crosses her arms, and glares at Regret. And way over there, in the East, is Love; taking it all in.

That's my today. All of my emotions bubbled to the surface and met. They are battling one another for supreme victory. And here I am, their vessel. And I'm letting them talk it out. Oh Stubbornness is taking his good old time. And Hope makes a good case. But I'm being Patient, and Quiet. I know they'll work this out.

I call this Garbage Day. When all the emotional refuse comes to the surface, and we skim the yucky stuff out. And we bag up what we're done with and put it on the curb. We clean up, and clear out. So it's Garbage Day, and I'm cleaning house.

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